Volunteer at Applied Net 2019

Volunteer at Applied Net 2019!

Opportunities to volunteer are now available. Please sign up via the links below. There are several ways to get involved onsite, including:

  • Registration Desk: Represent the Applied Client Network community, greet attendees as they arrive, and help them check in. Great for those who have attended Applied Net in the past - share your experience and help first timers feel welcome.
  • Applied Client Network Booth: Support the Applied Client Network staff in managing booth activities, answering questions about ACN, and encouraging attendees to get involved. Great for year-round Chapter and Committee volunteers - share how being involved with ACN has benefited you and your agency/brokerage.
  • Event Greeter: Welcome attendees as they enter the General Session or Applied Net Exchange, helping to manage traffic flow and seating. Great for first-time attendees or volunteers - expand your network and learn more about Applied Net and ACN.

PLEASE NOTE: Each opportunity below is for a specific date and time.
Please DO NOT commit to a specific shift unless it will work with your schedule.

For questions, please contact Sarah Amdor

Volunteer Opportunities List


  No opportunities are currently available